| 1. | Please don't grind your teeth, henry . 亨利,请你不要咬牙切齿。 |
| 2. | He gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad dog . 他对我咬牙切齿,象个疯狗似地吐着白沫。 |
| 3. | Their words came harsh from between their set teeth . 他们咬牙切齿的说着气势汹汹的话。 |
| 4. | "the wretch!" said mrs. shelby, vehemently . “这个坏家伙!”谢尔贝太太咬牙切齿地骂道。 |
| 5. | Dwight was bitter at my father, even more than me . 德怀特对我的父亲咬牙切齿,比对我更厉害。 |
| 6. | It was as if the night sang dirges with clenched teeth . 那仿佛是夜神正在那儿咬牙切齿地唱挽歌。 |
| 7. | The man seemed to say this with such fierce anger . 那男子说这话时显出咬牙切齿,极度愤怒的样子。 |
| 8. | "miss bart remains here," his wife rejoined incisively . 他妻子咬牙切齿地答道”巴特小姐留在这儿。” |
| 9. | It also involves howls of exasperation, cursing, and gnashing of teeth . 还包括愤激的狂笑,诅咒和咬牙切齿。 |
| 10. | Dixon wondered if welch could hear him grinding his teeth . 狄克逊心里想着,不知道韦尔奇是否听到他在咬牙切齿。 |