| 1. | I like bach and mozart , not these modern composers . 我喜欢巴哈和莫扎特,不喜欢这些近代的作曲家。 |
| 2. | Michelson and morley had sounded the prelude to special relativity . 迈克耳孙和莫雷已经奏出了狭义相对论的序曲。 |
| 3. | I can not stand modern music ; give me bach and mozart every time ! 我受不了现代音乐,还是喜欢巴赫和莫扎特的作品。 |
| 4. | I can not stand modern music ; i shall always prefer bach and mozart . 我受不了现代音乐,还是喜欢巴赫和莫扎特的作品。 |
| 5. | An interferometer invented by michelson was used by michelson and morely . 迈克耳孙和莫雷使用一台迈克耳孙发明的干涉仪。 |
| 6. | His preference for fitzgerald and moy was another yard off the same cloth . 他对费茨杰拉德和莫伊的偏爱是差不多同样性质的。 |
| 7. | Mr. and miss murdstone had originated it, and my mother had of course agreed with them . 这是莫德斯顿先生和莫德斯顿小姐提出来的,我母亲当然同意。 |
| 8. | Between commerce and morton he went into a candy store where he occasionally traded . 到了商业街和莫尔顿街之间,他走进了他有时也光顾的一家糖果店。 |
| 9. | Mr. james lycett and mr. molson came next, both red-faced squires with dogmatic opinions . 詹姆斯利塞特先生和莫尔森先生跟着也来了,两个人都是面孔通红、意见专横的乡绅。 |
| 10. | Today these steel pans have been so refined that skilled drummers can play not only caribbean rhythms but also bach and mozart . 如今,这此钢铁器皿加工得非常精致,技艺高超的鼓手不仅能击奏加勒比海曲调,而且能演奏巴赫和莫扎特的乐章。 |