Hey , you want bells and whistles or a reading 嘿,你想让我摇铃,吹哨还是读咒语书?
Compress lips together . pucker lips & attempt to whistle 嘴唇内收,嘴嘬起来,尝试吹哨。
The referee is whistling for a foul 裁判吹哨判定犯规。
There goes the ref ' s whistle 裁牛?吹哨了。
And kaman violently wrestle the ball away from yao after the whistle was already blown 然后在裁判吹哨以后卡曼粗野的把球从姚明身上像摔跤一样打掉。
You surely did not expect to reach any good end in this way . you might as well whistle for the wind 像这样下去你一定不会有什么好结果的。你简直是在吹哨求风哩!
It was graham poll whistling - up a challenge by john terry for a foot that looked no higher than his direct opponent that had aggrieved mourinho 格雷厄姆?普尔吹哨判罚了约翰?特里的一个碰撞,因为他的脚看起来并不比他的对手的高,穆里尼奥为此抱不平。
But , as he confidently anticipated , there was not a sign of a jehu plying for hire anywhere to be seen except a fourwheeler , probably engaged by some fellows inside on the spree , outside the north star hotel and there was no symptom of its budging a quarter of an inch when mr bloom , who was anything but a professional whistler , endeavoured to hail it by emitting a kind of a whistle , holding his arms arched over his head , twice 他原来蛮有把握,可不料哪里也看不到等待顾客的车夫的踪影。仅只在北星饭店门外停着一辆四轮马车,那也许是在里面狂欢者雇的。尽管向来不会吹哨,布卢姆先生还是高举双臂,在头上弯成拱形,使劲学着吹上两声口哨,朝那辆马车打招呼,可它丝毫没有移动的迹象。