Purpure , purple - royal majesty , sovereignty and justice 紫色、紫红色王室尊严、君权、公正。
But lately ambivalence is turning into out - and - out royalism 但是近来,这种矛盾的情绪逐渐转变成彻底的君权思想。
The positive significance of dong zhongshu ' s theory of the enrperor ' s right granted by 董仲舒君权天授说的积极意义
Dong zhongshu ' s theory of heaven and man and his view of monar chical power to be awarded by god 董仲舒的天人理论与君权神授
James , a firm believer in the divine right of kings , would have preferred on parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years 詹姆斯一世坚决相信“君权神授” ,他根本不想要议会,而且连续7年从未召集过。
It is worth noticing that , though the reform had been accomplished with confucianism , the monarchical power had played a dominant role in the reform 这些改造虽然是儒学化的,但值得注意的则是渗透在其中的君权力量,君权在其中起著支配性的作用。
Environed by them , while the woodman and the farmer worked unheeded , those two of the large jaws , and those other two of the plain and the fair laces , trod with stir enough , and carried their divine rights with a high hand 在这些事件包围之中, “樵夫”和“农民”仍然悄悄地干着活,而那两位大下巴和另外两张平常的和姣好的面孔却都威风凛凛,专横地运用着他们神授的君权。
In contrast to hobbes , locke opposes absolute monarchy : " absolute monarchy , which by some men is counted the only government in the world , is indeed inconsistent with civil society , and so can be no form of civil government at all " ( 48 ) 与霍布斯相反,洛克反对绝对的君权:绝对的君权虽被某些人视为是世界上唯一的政体,实际上却是与公民社会相矛盾的,同时也不可能转变为公民政府。