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English translation for "向远方"

longing for afar
to place faraway

Related Translations:
远方:  distant place 短语和例子远方的来客 a guest from afar; 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎? isn't it a delight should friends visit from afar
从远方:  from a distance
远方诊断:  remote diagnostic
远方控制:  remote control
远方信号机:  approaching signal
远方饭店:  beijing yuan fang hotel
至远方:  afield
远方地:  afar
远方来鸿:  a letter from afar a surname
远方保护:  teleprotection
Example Sentences:
1.Away into the distance stretched ridge after ridge of snow-clad peaks .
2.The two swans had turned their heads, and were looking past him into some distance of their own .
3.Little fake funny style , nigga chill with a snitch
4.The light is fading as they gaze into the distance
5.Across the plain , the road extends far
6.Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail
7.Bidding the loely scenes at distance hail
8.Let down and haul to run free
现在. . .让我们驶向远方
9.@ right up yonder , christians
10.Now . . . bring me that horizon
现在. . .让我们驶向远方
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