Now , if you want to avoid a legal situation , 如果你不想吃官司的话
Ah , the young rascal - stealing in a garden - he does not know where that may lead him to . 啊,那个小混蛋!在花园里偷东西!他倒不怕吃官司。 ”
With characters like " little clam " , " crzay gor " , " sticky pudding " , " tomboy " and " the tigress " five popular inmates of the big flower brothel , it s no 本片是"扭计祖宗陈梦吉"的续集,讲述曾被陈梦吉害得吃官司的荒唐镜,因害怕陈的足智多谋,握手言和
At the same time , it shows disrespect to the “ wrong - doer , ” as in the past one had to put a cross and sign on the written confession when being charged 除此以外,这种做法也是对自己的不尊敬,因为过去吃官司画供时才打子,这也就无疑是在否定自己,这也是不行的。
In france , my dear sir , half such a piece of effrontery as that would cause you to be quickly despatched to toulon for five years , for change of air . “因为编造这一类文件是要吃官司的。在法国,我最最亲爱的爸爸啊,只需做一半这种程度的手脚,他们就会把您送到土伦去呼吸五年监狱里的空气的呀。 ”
The sipo will examine the application for a patent for invention to the substance to determine whether to grant the patent right or not , while the application for a patent for utility model or design needs not such porcedure . shall i file a request for substantive examination ? yes , you shall 随着我们进入市场经济参与国际竞争,专利就显得至关重要了,没有自主知识产权的企业要想发展就越来越难了,只能从事一些利润很低的产品加工或简单的仿制,弄不好还要吃官司,这些都大大的制约了企业的发展。