| 1. | He crouched down among the tangled foliage 他蹲下把身子藏在紊乱的叶丛中。 |
| 2. | With drenched hands she began gathering the fruit among the leaves 她采摘草莓,两只手在叶丛中,手上淌着水。 |
| 3. | The night is dark . the stars are lost in clouds . the wind is sighing through the leaves 夜是深黑的,星星消失在云里,风在叶丛中叹息。 |
| 4. | It was not restful , that green foliage . the sunlight was too raw and glaring 绿色的叶丛并不恬静,阳光又太耀眼刺目,望着它使他觉得难受。 |
| 5. | A high - pitched and almost syllabic music kept coming and going , moving with the breeze , blurred by the leaves and by distance 一阵清越的乐声抑扬顿挫,随风飘荡,或近或远,穿透叶丛和距离。 |
| 6. | The vistas he saw were vistas of green foliage and forest glades , all softly luminous or shot through with flashing lights 他眼中的远景是绿色的叶丛和林中的空地,或是闪着柔和的光,或为闪亮的光穿透。 |
| 7. | The dusk in the mountains came early . no sooner had the sun retreated into the thick foliage , when darkness cast its huge net upon us 高山的夜似乎来的较早,阳光隐没在密密的叶丛中,暮色似一张大黑网把大地笼罩,夜已降临。 |
| 8. | Peduncle ca . 5 . 5 cm , arising from the leaf rosette , usually 1 - flowered ; pedicels ca . 1 . 3 cm , as is the peduncle purple - brown pilose 花序梗从叶丛中抽出,长5 . 5厘米,通常顶生1花;花梗长1 . 2 - 1 . 3厘米,与花序梗同被紫褐色长柔毛。 |
| 9. | Those people who have less stringent rules about plucking will go lower into the bush , and they will diminish the quality of the tea as a result 贝达得:那些不太按规矩办事的采茶人会从下面部位的叶丛中采茶,结果是,采下的茶其品味和质地将大为逊色。 |
| 10. | The white statues overlooking the bare garden seemed like so many chilly venuses among the yellow foliage of a park . under the porch he stood and panted a little , for the ascent of the wide steps had tired him 一尊尊白色雕像俯视着公园,公园中的树木都落了叶,这些雕像仿佛是公园的黄叶丛中那些怕冷的维纳斯雕像。 |