The platoon sergeant numbered his men off from the right 副排长叫士兵们从右首开始报数。
The soldiers numbered off from the right 士兵们从右首开始报数。
Valerius herma stood in rich robes inside a broad niche to the right 瓦列留厄斯?赫尔马身穿华丽的袍子,站在右首宽敞的壁龛里。
" yes , that s why i ran down : i wanted to see . he s in the first stage box to the right , the same he was in on thursday “是啊,我刚才跑过去就是为了这事,我想去看一看他坐在右首台口第一个包厢里,就是星期四坐的那个包厢。