Add : no . 73 west street yangshuo , guilin , guangxi , china to railway station : 60km ; to airport : 88km 古意的明清的家具相伴,置身于喧嚣中的宁静,此乐何极!
Why couldn ' t you take some clear pics ? they ' re really bad , buy another lens . this jian is quite new , not so ancient 晕死了,为什么就不能拍清楚一些的照片呀,实在不行,买个微距镜头呀。这把剑比较新。没有太多的古意。
It also boasts three gnarled and entangled ancient trees , which , along with the pool , are referred to by the locals as the " four great sights " 黑潭里还有三株盘根错结古意盎然的老树,与潭水合称为黑潭“四绝” 。
A stroll through the hot springs district of peitou reveals that there are still many attractive old buildings in the japanese style , such as the lung nai tang hot spring baths 泷乃汤走在北投的温泉区,经常可以发现像泷乃汤这样古意的日式建筑。
Ireland , too , is a paradise of greenery , with far fewer people than populous england and even more quaint villages scattered among its low - lying hills and forever green fields 爱尔兰也是个绿色天堂,人口远不及人烟稠密的英格兰,却有更多古意盎然的农村散布在低洼的山丘和常绿的田野间。
All four of the old city wall s original gates remain completely intact to this day , and the east gate still retains a section of the city wall which lends a rich sense of what it must have been like in former times 恒春旧名琅峤,早在清同治年间就筑城墙设县治,恒春古城四座城门至今保存完整,东门还连著一排城墙,饶富古意。
At the early stage , since these immigrants were few and poor , initially they constructed a small and crude temple made of wood at the beginning of the 20th of chienlung year ( a . d . 1755 ) and completed it in the 25th ( a . d . 1760 ) 保安宫有前、中、后三殿及钟鼓楼,另供奉有三十六官将神像、注生娘娘及神农大帝,格局恢宏颇有古意。
Down the road a few miles , in the step - back - in - time village of grafton , where the nationally known 205 - year - old old tavern is overflowing with leaf peepers , cheese makers are already at work at the grafton village cheese co 顺着路再几英里,就在充满古意的格拉夫顿村中,全美知名、拥有两百零五年历史的老客栈旅馆里挤满了赏叶游客,而格拉夫顿村乳酪公司的乳酪师傅早就上工了。
There is a golden dragon painting found on the beams of the main hall . the door gods cin , shu - bao and wei , chih - gong and 36 officials portraits have different styles and the board sent by the emperor of jia - cing in 1806 is the only one with more ages 而门神秦叔宝、尉迟恭与侧门彩绘三十六官将,别具特色,而嘉庆十一年丙寅(西元一八0六年)为安平守城剿贼有功诸义士而立的钦命义怀诚忠匾,则是唯一较具古意的名匾。
These help us learn more about the daily life of the ancient residents of hong kong . han garden was completed in december 1993 near lei cheng uk han tomb . the features in the garden were built following the style of the han dynasty and include pavilions , terraces , towers , fishponds and rock sculptures 李郑屋汉墓旁建有一座汉花园,于一九九三年十二月建成,园内设施仿照汉代风格建造,亭台楼阁,鱼池假山,古意盎然,甚受区内居民,尤其是老人和小孩欢迎。