地震: [地球物理] earthquake; earthshock; earthdin; temblor; seism 短语和例子国家地震局 the state bureau of seismology; 急速地震 tachyseism; 预报地震 predict earthquake; 火山地震 volcanic earthquake; 多地震地区 a land of earth
叠: Ⅰ动词1.(一层加上一层; 重复) pile up; repeat 短语和例子层峦叠嶂 peaks rising one higher than another; 一个一个往上叠 pile one above another2.(折叠) fold 短语和例子把信叠好 fold the letter; 叠被子 fold up a quilt; 这些轻便折椅可以叠起来放进汽车。