He was placed in charge of the department . 他受命主管这个部门。
He was told he was to become an engineer . 他受命要当司机。
Accordingly i went, only to find job and ustane in an excess of grief, declaring that leo was in the throes of death . 我受命前往,只看到乔布和尤斯坦痛苦万分,他们说利奥正在作临终前的挣扎。
The picture, then, when general anderson took over the entire battle front, was that of a long tenuous line stretching from bizerte to gafsa . 安徒生将军受命负责指挥之全线,系从比塞大延至盖夫萨的一条长而脆弱的阵线。
A chief executive needed a high-powered chief of staff to control a vice president who had been given little to do, had a skeleton staff, and was in no position to "step into things . 一位总统居然需要一个大权在握的办公厅主任来控制一个手下只有少数工作人员,受命无几的、根本无法“插手”什么事的副总统。
He was ordered to delay the enemy before leon 他受命在里昂前方阻滞敌人。
John was ordered out to france for his health 约翰因健康原因受命去法国。