| 1. | Sciatica therapy with point on the pathway acupuncture in 50 cases 循经取穴针刺治疗坐骨神经痛50例 |
| 2. | Acupuncture plus nasal herbal stuff for vascular headache in 40 cases 循经取穴针刺治疗血管性头痛126例疗效观察 |
| 3. | Cases of treatment over lumbar hyperosteogeny with acupuncturing the liver channel point 肝经取穴治疗腰椎骨质增生76例76 |
| 4. | Discussion on the law of selecting points in constipation treated with acupuncture and moxibustion 针灸治疗便秘取穴规律探究 |
| 5. | An exploration on the rules of selecting points in treatment of dpn with acupuncture 针灸治疗糖尿病周围神经病变取穴规律探讨 |
| 6. | Treating 150 cases of apoplexy with acupuncture of selecting points according to different times 择时取穴针灸法治疗中风病150例 |
| 7. | Clinical observations on triple puncture treatment of vertebroarterial cervical spondylopathy 远近相伍取穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病临床观察 |
| 8. | Analysis of the opportunity of choosing points and treating of the acupuncture treatment on peripheral facial paralysis 浅析针灸治疗周围性面瘫的取穴和治疗时机 |