| 1. | You discover this whether you are using ws - inspection or uddi 无论您正在使用ws - inspection还是uddi ,您都能发现服务名。 |
| 2. | Wsdibroker supplies two kinds of services : discovery service and registry service Wsdibroker提供两种服务:发现服务和注册服务。 |
| 3. | With uddi , your client application will discover the url of the service provider 使用uddi ,您的客户机应用程序将发现服务提供者的url 。 |
| 4. | It does , however , provide the grid information services function through the monitoring and discovery service 不过它通过监视与发现服务( mds )提供了网格信息服务。 |
| 5. | The results show that service delivery system failures and improper service design are the two fatal causes 研究结果发现服务操作系统的差错及服务组合设计的缺陷是导致顾客不满意的重要原因。 |
| 6. | The grid information service , also known as the monitoring and discovery service , provides the information services in globus 网格信息服务,又称为监视与发现服务,在globus中负责提供信息服务。 |
| 7. | Findings to these questions exposed seminal differences between data on the inside of a service and data that existed outside of the service boundary 通过这些问题,可以发现服务内部的数据和存在于服务外部边界外部的数据之间的本质却别。 |
| 8. | Clients of com objects discover whether a service is available by requesting an interface that provides that service and getting back an interface pointer , or not Com对象的客户端通过对提供服务的接口发出请求并取回接口指针来发现服务是否可用。 |
| 9. | The web services toolkit contains the tools and runtime support that are required to build web services using soap and wsdl , as well as the runtime support to publish and find service definitions using both ws - inspection documents or a uddi registry Web services toolkit包含用soap和wsdl构建web服务所需的工具和运行时支持,以及用ws - inspection文档和uddi注册中心发布和发现服务定义的运行时支持。 |
| 10. | The discovery service helps workflow modelers find suitable web services through three steps : syntactical match , qos metrics match , and semantic match , so that the result web services recommended by the discovery service not only conform to the qos requirements but also semantically agree with the interfaces of other tasks in the workflow 工作流建模者通过发现服务从语法、 qos度量和语义三个方面进行web服务的匹配和查找,从而使查找到的web服务不仅满足服务质量方面的需求,而且还在接口的语义上最大可能地与工作流中的其他任务一致。 |