| 1. | They take the thing you love the most , and then they use it against you 他们利用你的最爱来反制你 |
| 2. | Electronic countermeasure ecm 电子反制 |
| 3. | Nuclear deterrent weapon 核子反制武器 |
| 4. | And this has been our weakness , we cannot even divine shield out of a spell - lock affect 这正是我们的弱点,我们甚至不能使用圣盾来解除反制状态。 |
| 5. | The clan of the consorts and the literati and officialdom fought bitterly against the practice and took relevant counter measures 外戚、士大夫针对宦官把持的这所监狱采取了争夺与反制措施。 |
| 6. | Spell lock ( felhunter ) : the duration has been reduced to 4 seconds ( rank 1 ) and 5 seconds ( rank 2 ) , and cooldown reduced to 20 seconds 法术锁定改到5秒, 20秒冷却。注意这里说的是反制时间,不是沉默时间。 |
| 7. | However , we are also the only class in the game which is so vulnerable to silence spell - lock affects , having only one school of magic 但是,由于只有一系的法术,我们是这个游戏中唯一对沉默和法术反制无能为力的职业。 |
| 8. | The pure effort is not ineffectual , and not is stopped by any one ; the prohibition upon this trend only destroys ordered organic character of nature , and restricted by nature 人类的这种纯正努力,从来都是不会白费的,也是任何人都阻止不了的;对这种趋势的阻止,只会破坏自然的有序有机性,而受自然的反制。 |
| 9. | " this is to counteract so - called negative information put out by organizations like us , " he said . " it is a big media push , which is quite clever , but quite disturbing . 这个举动是为了要反制他们所谓的负面宣传,也就是由我们这样的机构所传达的讯息,他说。这是很大的手笔,很聪明,但也很让人担心。 |
| 10. | The trust , which looks after many of britain ' s historic gardens , said it hoped the campaign would counter a trend among retailers for stocking perfect - looking fruit and veg , regardless of its taste 看管照顾英国许多历史性庭园的全国托管协会说,该协会希望这项活动能反制零售商只进货外观无瑕的蔬果,而无视其滋味的趋势。 |