[ fǎn; fān; fàn ] Ⅰ名词 1.(方向相背) reverse side 短语和例子 适得其反 get just the opposite2.(造反) rebellion 短语和例子 谋反 attempt rebellion3.(指反革命、反动派) counterrevolutionaries; reactionaries 短语和例子 肃反 elimination of counterrevolutionariesⅡ动词 1.(转换; 翻过来) turn over 短语和例子 易如反掌 as easy as turning one's hand over; 反败为胜 turn failure to success2.(回; 还) return; counter 短语和例子 反问 counter with a question3.(反抗; 反对) oppose; combat; turn against 短语和例子 反霸权主义 oppose hegemonism; anti-hegemonism; 反战 be against war; 反法西斯斗争 anti-fascist struggle; struggle against fascism; 反间谍 counterespionage; 颠覆与反颠覆 subversion and anti-subversion4.(背叛) rebel; revolt 短语和例子 反叛 rebelⅢ形容词 (相反的) opposite; contrary; reversed 短语和例子 穿反了袜子 have one's socks on inside out; 适得其反。 the result is just the contrary.Ⅳ副词 1.(反而; 相反地) on the contrary; instead 短语和例子 反不如前一段写得好 on the contrary, it is worse than the last paragraph; 反把事情弄僵了 instead the matter got worse2.(从反面) back 短语和例子 反顾 look back upon past or own mistake
Example Sentences:
Our antitrust laws have been too severe . 我们的反托拉斯法太严格了。
They rallied their energies for the counter-attack ... 他们奋起反攻。
You have turned your jumper inside out . 你的套头毛衣里外穿反了。
The indefinite integral is an antiderivative . 不定积分是反导数。
Reciprocals and selfs are usually excluded . 反交和自交通常不包括在内。
These two sinusoids are nearly out of phase . 这两个正弦波几乎是反相的。
The longest way round is the nearest way home . 绕远道反近,捷径常误人。
You 're a nice fellow , i must say . (反意语)你真是个好家伙。
The reciprocal of viscosity is known as fluidity . 粘度的反意就是流动性。
The king had cognizance of plots against him . 国王觉察到了反判他的阴谋。