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English translation for "双向交流"

bilateral exchange
two way communication
two-way exchange

Related Translations:
双向密封:  two way seal
双向限幅器:  clipper limiterdouble limiterslicer
双向印刷:  bidrectional printingduplex printing
双向透镜:  double image lens
双向操作:  bidirectional operationbidirrectional operationbiplane operationboth way operationbothway operationoperation, completetwo way operationtwo-way operation
双向收费:  two-way charge systemtwo-way charging scheme
双向发电:  two way generation
双向转换:  bilateral switching
双向电视:  two way televisiontwo-way television
双向联系:  bidirectional relationship
Example Sentences:
1.Bilateral communication in english teaching
2.They may also employ some special software to make the examinations interactive for their students
3.The implications are enormous . the first area to be revolutionized by internet 2 would be simple two - way communications
4.On balance , i still believe that widening the consultation net and engaging in two - way communication is a worthy course to take despite the risks involved
5.On balance , i still believe that widening the consultation net and engaging in two - way communication is a worthy course to take despite the risks involved
6.Let it roll peacefully on , carrying a two - way flow of people and ideas that can break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust , and build up bonds of cooperation and shared optimism
7.The key to this matter lies in seeking better means and tools to remove the communicative barriers , to widen and deepen the multi - level exchanges between the two sides
8.The network has become a representative medium of realizing interactive exchange with its flexibility and convenience . it offers a good study environment for the independent study of chinese
9.To further improve the environment for english study and to better serve the foreign language teachings , it is necessary to establish a dynamic web - site for effective interactions between teachers and students
10.Schema theory of reading says that reading is a communication between reader and text and also a combination of the prior knowledge stored in reader ' s brain and the new information conveyed by the text
Similar Words:
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