| 1. | There are some tips as the consultation of choosing lcd 选购lcd有几个基本参考指标: |
| 2. | There are some defects in the reference index setting for credit rating of china ' s development bank 纵览开发银行的信用评级参考指标设置,也存在一定的问题。 |
| 3. | Cut over the success rate is the main reference index sign which measures a network to overlay circumstance quality 切换成功率是衡量一个网络覆盖情况好坏的主要参考指标。 |
| 4. | Data collected are for the use of statistics which would become a reference of what we will do in the future ,收集到的资料将作统计之用途,有助作为本会发展方向的参考指标。 |
| 5. | Through providing benchmark references to longer - term interest rates up to ten years it is also an essential element of hong kong s debt market 此外,这些债券能提供长达10年的长期利率参考指标,对发展本港债务市场非常重要。 |
| 6. | Note 1 : the technical indexes for 1 # of production we submit confirmatory data are softening point , distillation range and moisture , the other items are only for reference 注1 :技术指标软化点、馏程、水分为1 #产品保证指标,其它项目为参考指标。 |
| 7. | The mileage limit is 5000 kilometers every month ; lessee could use the vehicle for work purpose , the mileage limit is just for conference index 汽车每月实际可用里程数为5000公里/月, (因出租方的用车性质为工作用车而非运输用车,里程数仅作为参考指标) 。 |
| 8. | And it is something that people do look at and are used to , and has long been recognised as the indicator of the level of interest rates in hong kong 尽管从保持货币稳定的角度来看,最优惠利率的意义已不太大,但人们也早已习惯以最优惠利率作为本港利率水平的参考指标。 |
| 9. | As the main instrument of human resources management , the performance appraisal is origin index of the transfer , promotion and raise pay 绩效考评,作为人力资源管理最重要的管理工具之一,是员工调任、升迁、加薪等重大人事决定的主要参考指标来源,也是实施员工激励的重要基础。 |
| 10. | Since this three - month rate is an important benchmark for much lending , especially to companies , monetary conditions have tightened since the mpc ' s november meeting 既然3个月拆借利率对贷款- - -尤其是公司贷款- - -来说是一个重要的参考指标,说明自11月金融政策委员会会议以来金融状况已经紧绷。 |