| 1. | One participant is to submit one piece of work only 每个参加人仅可提交一份参选作品。 |
| 2. | All participants in an online meeting can use the meeting minder dialog box 联机会议的所有参加人都可以使用“会议记录”对话框。 |
| 3. | All participants in an online meeting can use the speaker notes dialog box 联机会议的所有参加人都可以使用“演讲者备注”对话框。 |
| 4. | Participants can make changes to the presentation , see changes made by others , and exchange information , all in real - time 参加人可修改演示文稿,查看其他人所作的修改,或者交换信息。 |
| 5. | Each participant can take turns controlling and editing the presentation , and see changes made by other users as they occur 每一个参加人都可以控制和编辑演示文稿,并实时查看其他用户的修改。 |
| 6. | Participants should retain the original post receipt and make constant checks to see if his her submissions are delivered in time 参加人应保留相关的原始邮寄凭据并及时查阅其参赛文件是否被及时送达。 |
| 7. | Besides , we invited some trainers of tai - chi and different active exercises to gave us professional demonstrations 我们还邀请了太极及各类型健体操的教练作现场示范,让参加人仕获得更专业的运动技巧及知识。 |
| 8. | Participants can have access to the result of the evaluation through the news media or by logging onto the official website of bocog 二参加人将通过新闻媒体和北京奥组委官方网站了解征集作品评选的最终结果。 |
| 9. | 1 . all submitted works shall be addressed to the following address through registered mail or express delivery by the participant or his her authorized representative 一参选文件应由参加人本人或其授权代表通过挂号信邮寄或快递方式提交到以下地址: |
| 10. | The restraints towards other litigant participants , including that witnesses , examiners , translators , and legal representatives must be in good faith when they are in action 对其他诉讼参加人的约束,指对证人、鉴定人、翻译人和代理人的诚信要求。 |