[ xiāng ] 名词 1.(厢房) wing (usu. of a one-storeyed house); wing-room 短语和例子 西厢 the western wing; 一正两厢 a central room with two wing-rooms2.(类似房子隔间的地方) railway carriage or compartment; (theatre) box 短语和例子 包厢 box; 车厢 carriage3.(靠近城的地区) the vicinity outside of a city gate 短语和例子 城厢 the city proper and areas just outside its gates; 关厢 a neighbourhood outside of a city gate4.(边; 旁) side 短语和例子 那厢 that side; 让开大路, 占领两厢 leave the high road alone and seize the land on both sides (as in mobile warfare); 一厢情愿 one-sided wish; one's own wishful thinking
I remained alone in the bare carriage . 我独自坐在空车厢里。
Two nurses were hurrying toward the entrance to the gallery . 两位护士正在往楼厢的入口处赶。
I took my seat in a third-class carriage of a deserted train . 我在一列空荡荡的火车的三等车厢找了个座位。
The daycoach was hot, full of the weary smell of old red plush . 二等车厢非常闷热,满鼻子旧红绒的陈年味道。
Vans, trucks, and recreational vehicles, dried up instantly。 厢式载重车,大卡车,以及娱乐车等,立刻都销不出去了。
Sales of our vans, another big part of our operation, had dropped by half . 我们另外一部分很大的业务是生产厢式载重车,这种车辆的销售额也下跌了一半。
A small, pale child's face could be seen in the gloom of a third-class carriage . 在那一列车的一个昏暗的三等车厢里坐着一个身材瘦小,面色苍白的小孩儿。
He had, for the absolute briefest time, let wishful thinking about results overrule his scientific caution . 有那么一瞬间,他对实验结果的一厢情景压倒了科学的谨慎。
Dropping its mostly second-class passengers at this small town or that, few people were left to be disgorged in gilly . 一路上已经把二等车厢里的大多数乘客都抛在沿线的这一个或那一个小镇上了,所以到达吉利时只剩下几个人。
He got up, left the compartment, and went along the corridor, picking his way over suitcases and kitbags and bodies, to the lavatory . 他起身走出卧厢,沿着过道小心翼翼地跨过箱子,帆布袋,躲过横七竖八的人体,朝厕所走去。