Tsinghua university : self - discipline and social commitment 清华大学:自强不息,厚德载物。
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates . you never know what you re gonna get 妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知天行健,人自强不息;地势坤,以厚德载物
Through its commitment to high standards , exemplified by its motto of " self discipline and social commitment " 她对高尚品德的推崇,正如她的校训所言: “自强不息,厚德载物” ;
Zhang dainian holds that the motto of " strengthen self without stopping , and hold world with virtue " is the core and manifestation of the chinese national spirit 摘要张岱年认为,自强不息、厚德载物,是中华民族精神的核心和主要表现。
Dekebeier " integrity - based attacks , " business ideas , a quality first , customer first , pioneering innovation , improvement purposes , and create a first - class international management company 德克贝尔以“诚信为本,厚德载物” ,经营理念,本着“质量第一、客户至上、开拓创新、精益求精”的宗旨,创造一流的国际化管理公司。
The historical value of this motto consists in the promotion of ancient chinese culture , making of fine morality of ancient chinese scholars , and the unceasing revolution of chinese society 自强不息、厚德载物的历史价值主要表现为:促进中国古代文化的发展;铸就中国古代知识分子的优良品格;推动中国社会的绵延不断的变革。
The main structure as a whole , combining a harmony of movement and stillness with a grandeur of conception , manifests the chinese nation s great spirit of ceaseless endeavour , as well as her broadminded emphasis on virtue and tolerance 整个主体建筑动静呼应气势雄浑,既彰显了中华民族自强不息的伟大精神,又体现了中华民族厚德载物的博大襟怀。
The main structure as a whole , combining a harmony of movement and stillness with a grandeur of conception , manifests the chinese nation s great spirit of ceaseless endeavour , as well as her broadminded emphasis on virtue and tolerance 整个主体建筑动静呼应、气势雄浑,既彰显了中华民族自强不息的伟大精神,又体现了中华民族厚德载物的博大襟怀。
From rmb20 , 000 yuan to rmb3 billion yuan , from 20 “ educated youths ” to 20 , 000 employees , youngor has walked his way in pursuing virtues and spirits of the dragon horse and engraved a legend of youth without feeling languidness 从2万元到拥有净资产30多亿元,从20位知青到员工20000余人,雅戈尔一路走来,秉承厚德载物与龙马精神,孜孜不倦,镌刻着旌旗猎猎的青春传奇。
The still circular galleries and the revolving rotunda symbolise the time - honoured chinese concepts of " qian " and " kun " , which are best summed up in the book of changes : " as heaven moves constantly , so the superior man should rely on himself and work ceaselessly 静止的回廊与转动的坛面寓意着中国古老的“乾” “坤”思想,这就是“易经”中所说的: “天行健,君子以自强不息地势坤,君子以厚德载物” 。