[ wéi; wēi ] Ⅰ名词 1.(危险) danger; peril 短语和例子 居安思危 think of danger in times of peace; 临危不惧 face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger; 转危为安 take a turn for the better and be out of danger2.[书面语] (屋脊) ridge (of a roof) 3.(二十八宿之一) wei, one of the lunar mansions 4.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 危全讽 wei quanfengⅡ动词 (使处于危险境地; 危害) endanger; imperil; jeopardize 短语和例子 危及某人的生命[财产; 名誉; 安全] endanger sb.'s life [property; reputation; security]; 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。 stray mines began to turn up off the pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping. 他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前程。 his foolish behaviour may put his whole future in jeopardy.Ⅲ形容词 1.(危险的; 不安全) dangerous; perilous 短语和例子 危局 a dangerous situation2.(人快要死去) dying 短语和例子 病危 be critically ill; be dying3.[书面语] (高) high; precipitous 短语和例子 危楼 a high tower; 危崖 a precipitous cliff4.[书面语] (端正) proper; upright 短语和例子 正襟危坐 sit up properly
膀胱危象: crisis of bladdervesical crisesvesical crisis
Example Sentences:
I stood on the edge of a precipice . 我的处境是汲汲可危的。
An excessive dose of an anti-che drug results in a cholinergic crisis . 过量的抗CHE药导致胆碱能危象。
My position was thus at the same time unprecedentedly strong and precarious . 因而我的地位是空前地强大,又是空前地汲汲可危。
Eugenie clasped her cousin's hand tightly in hers when she heard these last words . 欧也妮听到最后一句,不禁颤危危地握着堂兄弟的手。
How was it possible to turn such a desperately sick company around so quickly ? 这么快便使这么一个病入膏盲的公司转危为主,这是怎样做到的呢?
Threats of japanese conquest had provoked great demonstrations of the people, especially among the enraged youth . 日本征服的危胁,在人民中间,特别是在愤怒的青年中间,激起了盛大的示威抗议。
To the poor , to the weak , to the destitute of all complexions 救困扶危,全力帮忙
Iaflueuce of high rish facrsus of preguancy on cervix 妊娠期高危因素对宫颈的影响
To the poor , to the weak , to the destitute of all complexions 救困扶危,全力帮忙
Some risk factors for diabetes include advancing age , 糖尿病的高危因素包括年老