| 1. | The branch of the indo - european language family that consists only of greek 希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支 |
| 2. | Indo - european is much older than the book of mormon time period , yet vestiges of indo - european exist through all of europe and parts of asia 印欧语系是一个比《摩门经》里的时期更古老,但是印欧语系的残馀存在于全欧洲和部分亚洲地区。 |
| 3. | I knew in england experienced teachers of english to speakers of asian languages belonging ( as do the languages of europe ) to the indo - european language family 我在英国认识一些经验丰富的英语教师,他们专教(十分接近欧洲语系的)印欧语系的亚裔学生。 |
| 4. | Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called proto - indo - european . that language is no longer spoken . researchers do not really know what it sounded like 专家认为住在那里的人们讲的语言是属于原始印欧语系的。那种语言消失了。研究人员无法真正了解它的声音像什么。 |
| 5. | Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called proto - indo - european . that language is no longer spoken . researchers do not really know what it sounded like 专家们说这个地方的人说一种叫做原始印欧语系的语言,这个语言现在已经不说了,研究者并不知道它是如何发音的。 |
| 6. | Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called proto - indo - european . that language is no longer spoken . researchers do not really know what it sounded like 专家说在这一个区域的人们说一种叫做原始印欧语系的语言.但这一种语言已经不再使用啦.研究人员也不知道他的发音 |
| 7. | Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called proto - indo - european . that language is no longer spoken . researchers do not really know what it sounded like 专家认为,当时那些地区的居民使用一种被称为原始印欧语系的语言进行交流,那种语言已经失传多时。研究者并未真正了解那种语言的发音。 |
| 8. | The indo - european language of the greeks . greek , the sole member of the hellenic branch , consists of several groups of ancient and modern regional , social , and literary dialects and is divided into several historical periods 希腊语印欧语系的希腊语,作为希腊语族的唯一成员,含有几组地方、社会和文学方面的古方言和现今方言,并被分为几个历史时期 |