倚门卖笑: wait on the guests and laugh and sing for money; be a prostitute; invite the attention of passers-by; show herself by leaning against the door, as a whore; standing by the door and smiling
Example Sentences:
She ' s just trying to get another bestseller out of this , walter 她除了这个只能是个卖笑的,沃尔特
He was not a regular gondolier , so he had none of the cadger and prostitute about him 他并不是真正的游艇舟子,所以他没有那种卖笑男姐的神气。
If she did , she need not coin her smiles so lavishly , flash her glances so unremittingly , manufacture airs so elaborate , graces so multitudinous 要是那样,她就不必那么慷慨卖笑,频送秋波,不必如此装腔作势,卖弄风情了。
On the pavements of the rue notre dame de la lorette two long files of women scudded along with tucked - up skirts and bent heads , keeping close to the shops but never once glancing at the displays in the shopwindows as they hurried busily down toward the boulevards 在洛莱特圣母院路的两边人行道上,有两队卖笑女子,她们贴着一家家商店,行色匆匆向林荫大道走去,她们撩起裙子,低着头,连橱窗里的东西都不看。