卖主求荣: sell one's master and sue for honours; betray one's master for the sake of glory; betray [sell out] one's master to obtain promotion, honour or power
Example Sentences:
Changes in the situation dispose sellers to withhold offering . 情况的变化使卖主倾向于不肯报盘。
You call them visitors, but they are also sellers and buyers . 你把他们叫做来客,其实他们也是买主和卖主。
Four u.s. nuclear reactor vendors competed aggressively for new orders . 四家美国核反应堆卖主争相签署新的定购合同。
Both buyers and sellers will also tend to settle on more rapidly rising levels of prices and wages . 买主和卖主也往往根据上升较快的物价和工资水平结算。
They watched the seller's expression, trying to understand his cunning or find the defects of the animal . 他们注意观察卖主的脸色,试图了解卖主的花招并找出牲口的毛病。
In this manner a set of tests has evolved to the satisfaction of vendor and catalyst user for each catalyst . 用这种方式对每种催化剂建立一套催化剂卖主和用户都满意的测试方法。
The role of most magazines, as seen by their owners, was to act as a broker in bringing together the buyers and sellers of goods . 在老板们看来,大部分杂志的作用是充当商品的卖主和买主之间牵线搭桥的中间人。
Many buyers and sellers do not wish to lock in a fixed price, because that forecloses potential gains as well as losses . 许多卖主和买主不希望为固定价格所束缚,因为这样虽然避免了潜在的损失,但也杜绝了潜在的收益。
As a result, the small company was quietly acquired through an intermediary law firm, the vendors were unaware of whom the lawyers represented . 于是,通过一家中间法律公司,这家小公司被不事声张地搞到手了,卖主并不知道那些律师代表的是谁。
So i asked the seller , " how much for the whole box ? 我问卖主, "多少对整个盒子"