| 1. | Seed zones of chinese forest trees - seed zones of pinus armandi franch 中国林木种子区华山松种子区 |
| 2. | Scanning electron microscope observation on antenna of dendroctonus armandi coleoptera : scolytidae 华山松大小蠹成虫触角感受器的扫描电镜观察 |
| 3. | Research on the characteristics and distribution of pinus armandii forest community on the qianling mountains 贵阳黔灵山华山松群落分布及特征初步研究 |
| 4. | Identified taxa and their characters as follows : pinus armandii franchet : normal vertical and horizontal resin canals with thin - walled epithelial cells present . cross - fields pitting window - like 木材种类的特征如下:华山松( pinusarmandiifranchet ) :生长轮明显,早材至晚材渐变。 |
| 5. | Were conducted . the results show that all the 4 species of pine leaves have a specific transportation tissue . these 4 species are different from each other by their morphological and histological characteristics 对马尾松、云南松、华山松、油松的原植物形态、药材性状、显微构造、粉末特征进行了对比研究,发现四种松叶在组织结构上均具有一种特殊组织? ?转输组织。 |
| 6. | The number of major 18s rdna sites is generally much more than that in angiosperms and varies markedly among pines . there are seven pairs of 18s sites in pinus tabulaeformis , five in p . desata , eight in p . yunnanensis , 10 in p . massoniana , six in p . latteri , three in p . bungeana , and ten for p . armandi 其中主要位点数目,油松有7对,高山松5对,云南松8对,马尾松10对,南亚松6对,白皮松3对,华山松10对,平均在7对;另外,部分松树还存在弱位点。 |
| 7. | Furthermore , weak signals are found on the centromeres of many chromosomes . unlike 18s , pines have 1 - 2 pairs of 5s rdna sites , except for p . armandi that has four pairs . each pine could be discriminated by its rdna fish karyotype , although most of these pines cannot be distinguished by traditional karyotype analysis 除了华山松ssd3na有旱对位点,马尾松只有1对位点外,其它松树的ssrizna位点数目均为2对, 、并且在双维管柬亚属植物中有一对属于弱位点。 |
| 8. | The analyses of these three types of data in the hybrid and its parents could provide new information on genomic composition and evolutionary mechanisms of the hybrid . the main results are the followings : 1 . rdna fish chromosomal localization of 18s and 5s rdna was carried out for two soft pines ( subgenus strobus ) and five hard pines ( subgenus pinus ) using fish Rdna荧光原位杂交( fish )通过对华山松和白皮松两种单维管束亚属植物及油松、云南松、高山松、马尾松和南亚松等五种双维管束亚属植物的18srdna与5srdna的荧光原位杂交,结果表明: ( 1 )裸子植物的18srdna位点数目明显多于二倍体被子植物。 |
| 9. | The histological descriptions of p . armandi franch in chinese herbal compendium ( zhong hua ben cao ) are different form our observations and the descriptions in chinese flora and sichuan flora in the aspects of the shape of the transverse section and the number of vascular bundles . by means of gc - ms , qualitative and quantitative analysis of the essential oils obtained from different species , different production areas and different extracting methods were carried out . the chemical components and their contents of the essential oils vary by the species , production area and extracting method 通过对不同品种(马尾松、云南松、华山松) 、马尾松不同产地(万源、夹江、资中、泸州、威远、康定) 、不同提取方法(水蒸气蒸馏法、超临界提取法)的松叶挥发油成分的gc - ms分析比较,表明挥发油成分的组成和含量有差异,且品种、产地、提取工艺均对松叶的挥发油成分有影响。 |
| 10. | Due to different exploitation intensity and ecological restoration measures used in hongchiba region , wuxi county , the vegetation have been formed a series of succession stages , i . e . herbaceous stage scrub - shrub stage - shrub - tree stage - pure larix daempferi conifer forest stage - pinus armandii needle broad - leaved mixed forest stage - natural deciduous broad - leaved forest 巫溪县红池坝地区由于历史上开发强度和生态恢复措施的不同,使当地植被形成了从草本群落灌木灌丛林灌过渡带日本落叶松( larixdaempferi )针叶纯林华山松( pinusarmandii )针阔叶混交林天然阔叶落叶林的一系列生态恢复演替阶段。 |