| 1. | In english , some questions have a rising intonation 英语中有些疑问句需用升调 |
| 2. | In english , some questions have a rising intonation 英语中有些疑问句需用升调 |
| 3. | In english , some questions have a rising inflection 在英语中有些疑问句需要用升调。 |
| 4. | I don ' t teach because teaching is easy for me 升调:我教书并不是因为教书对我来说是件容易事。 |
| 5. | This is a general question . it should be read in the rising tone 这是一个一般疑问句,所以应该读升调。 |
| 6. | You should use the rising / falling tone at the end of this sentence 在这句话的结尾你应该用升调降调。 |
| 7. | At age 26 he was appointed minister to the netherlands , then promoted to the berlin legation 26岁那年,他被任命为驻荷兰大使,后又升调到柏林公使馆。 |
| 8. | On the keyboard it is the interval between adjacent notes , white or black , ascending or descending 在键盘上,半音是相邻的两个音之间的距离,白键或黑键,升调或降调。 |
| 9. | Below are yes / no questions chosen from the following conversation . listen to the recording and then read the sentences aloud . pay attention to each one ' s rising tone 以下是从本课对话中挑选出来的典型的一般疑问句,请跟读录音,并注意每个句子的升调。 |
| 10. | Below are all questions chosen from the following conversation . listen to the recording and then read the sentences aloud . pay attention to each sentence ' s intonation 以下是从本课对话中挑选出来的典型的问句,请跟读录音,并注意每个句子的语调:升调或降调。 |