[ pǐfūyǒuzé ] expect everyone to do his duty; each and everyone should hold himself responsible for his country's welfare.; every common man has his obligation.: 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。 every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. 常言说:""天下兴亡, 匹夫有责。 "" as the common saying goes, ""every man alive has a duty to his country."
国家兴亡匹夫有责: the rise and fall of the nation is the concern of every citizen
Example Sentences:
" as the common saying goes , " every man alive has a duty to his country . " 匹夫有责。
The defence of the country is everyone ' s affair 国家兴亡,匹夫有责。
This forum , with support from the state council and the president , was successfully launched on 10 th september , 2001 本来国家兴亡,匹夫有责,我们要在享受国家成就之余,也应肩负起一点点的责任。
Sacrifice oneself is taken justice , die to achieve virtue , kuangfu justice , place righteousness above family loyalty , national rise and fall , ordinary man has duty etc , it is the classical thought in chinese traditional culture , we ought to derive elite , eliminate about " gas " the scum on understanding , make debauchery money angry return their original position to go up , hold correctly in the person below , play gives their due effect , show their due glorious 舍身取义,杀身成仁,匡扶正义,大义灭亲,国家兴亡、匹夫有责等等,都是中国传统文化中的经典思想,我们应当汲取精华,剔除关于“气”的熟悉上的糟粕,让酒色财气回到它们本来的位置上去,在人的正确把握下,发挥出它们应有的作用,显示出它们应有的光彩。
Though nikolay had not denisovs disposition to find everything amiss , he too thought it dignified and becoming to criticise the government , and he believed that the fact , that a . had been appointed minister of such a department , and b . had been made governor of such a province , and the tsar had said this , and the minister had said that , were all matters of the greatest importance 尼古拉虽然不像杰尼索夫那样专门挑毛病,但他仍然认为议论政府可是一件大事情,而甲出任大臣,乙担任总督,皇帝说什么话,大臣说什么话,都是很重大的事。他认为国家大事,匹夫有责,所以也向皮埃尔询问各种问题。