The archaeologist was in the field gathering new evidence on the beijing man 这位考古学家正在实地搜集北京猿人的新资料。
The whole world is astounded at the reborn and huge strength of peking man 此计划相当成功,使北京猿人在百万年后死而复生。
According to scientists , lantian ape - man lived 500 , 000 - 600 , 000 years ago , considerably pre - dating peking man 据科学家称,蓝田猿人生活在距今五十万到六十万年前,比北京猿人还要早。
It is an important contribution to study of mankind ' s origin , similar to discovery of peking man in 1929 与1929年发现的北京猿人头盖骨一样,蓝田猿人头盖骨也是研究人类起源的重要标本。
At that time , peking man ( an example of prehistoric man ) lived in zhoukoudian in the southwestern suburbs of beijing 远在70 50万年前,这里就是人类祖先的发祥地, “北京猿人”便在京西南的周口店等地繁衍生息。
When i see narrow forehead and protruding lips of peking ape man in museum , i feel dejected for hominid ' s roughness in remote antiquity 当我在博物馆里看到北京猿人窄小的额和前凸的吻时,我为人类原始时期的粗糙而黯然。
In 2001 , a genius scientist successfully extracts dna from fossil remains to bring peking man back to life after half a million years 2001年,一项匪夷所思的机密计划正在太空进行,一个天才科学家在化石中抽出基因,企图令北京猿人重生。
The nearby dragon bone hill is the home of peking man , where pei wenzhong , a chinese paleonologist , excavated a complete fossil skull cap , some teeth and bones of primitive apeman in 1929 附近的骨山是“北京猿人”的故乡。 1929年中国古生物学家裴文中在此发现原始人类牙骨骼和一块完整的头盖骨。