[ huàlíngwéizhěng ] gather parts into a whole; assemble the parts into a whole
Related Translations:
整: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 短语和例子整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence
Example Sentences:
Breaking up the whole into parts , assembling the parts into a whole 化整为零,化零为整。
A further $ 30 billion is in the works , including a giant $ 20 billion fund being pieced together by goldman sachs 此外还有300亿美元仍在募集中,这其中包括一支有高盛化零为整筹集的200亿美元的基金。
Now the third stage began with the concentration of regulars into larger groups with the intention of building up a sizable striking force 当前的第三阶段,则是以正规部队化零为整开始,旨在建立一支强大的战斗部队。
In the fleet management system , transportation requests will be allocated to a best - fit van to ensure that the van with the lowest waiting and transportation cost is allocated 在车队管理系统的管理下透过系统的自动“最佳化”计算,我们可以将顾客的送货批次化零为整,对送货车次做出最合适的安排。