| 1. | Acut attack of coronary heart disease treated by ch 理气化痰逐瘀法治疗冠心病急性发作 |
| 2. | The clinical observation on bufeihuatan dectoction 补肺化痰汤治疗非感染性肺炎临床观察 |
| 3. | Progress in pharmacological studies of pinelliae tuber 化痰祛瘀中药治疗脂肪肝研究进展 |
| 4. | Preparation and clinical observation of huatanjieyu granule 化痰解语颗粒的制备及临床应用 |
| 5. | 41cases of pneumonia in the elderly treated by yangyiinqingfeitang 养阴清肺化痰汤治疗老年人肺炎41例 |
| 6. | Research of qingfeihuatan quyu prescription 清肺化痰祛瘀方 |
| 7. | Treating hyperlipoidemia with dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis 浅论化痰祛瘀法治疗高脂血症 |
| 8. | Self - made huatan zhuyu xingnao decoction for cerebral infarction in 46 cases 自拟化痰逐瘀醒脑汤治疗脑梗死46例 |
| 9. | Phlegm - resolving and kidney - nourishing therapy for obesity amenorrhea in 57 cases 化痰补肾法治疗肥胖型闭经57例 |
| 10. | Qingjinhuatan decoction for acute attack of senile chronic bronchitis 清金化痰汤治疗老年慢性支气管炎急性发作42例 |