| 1. | This book is about chemicals and plants . 本书所写的是化学药剂和植物。 |
| 2. | Growers must be prepared to use a range of chemicals . 栽培者必须准备使用一系列的化学药剂。 |
| 3. | A first chemical with fabric affinity is applied followed by a second for colour development . 化学药剂先与纤维亲和,下一步接着显色。 |
| 4. | Spent chemicals from dyeing represent one of the significant sources of textile pollution . 染色所耗用的化学药剂是纺织工业最大的污染源之一。 |
| 5. | The control of cucurbit wilt has been based on chemical insecticides applied for beetle control . 防治葫芦科植物萎蔫病,至今仍依靠使用化学药剂防治甲虫。 |
| 6. | Developed dyes, a first chemical with fabric affinity, is applied followed by a second for colour development . 显色染料--化学药剂先与纤维亲合,下一步接着显色。 |
| 7. | Growth retardants are chemicals that limit the elongation of stems without malformation of leaf, stem, or flower . 生长延缓剂这种化学药剂只是限制茎的伸长,而不会使叶子,茎或花变畸形。 |
| 8. | The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical . 回收氢氧化钠的主要目的是在经济方面,因为它大大补偿了化学药剂消耗费用。 |
| 9. | Even foods that are eaten freshly, we now know, can contain chemicals in trace amounts that could, in large amounts, be dangerous . 我们现在知道,连我们吃的新鲜食品也含有微量的化学药剂,含量一大,就可能有危险。 |
| 10. | Much more is known about chemicals and cancer today than just 20 years ago, yet uncertainty about the risk of borderline carcinogens continues to hamper decisions . 今天人们对化学药剂和癌症的了解已比20年前增加了很多。可是,由于对致癌物的危险界限仍搞不清楚,这就妨碍了作出决定。 |