I could scarcely catch my breath, so fiercely was i impelled through the heavens . 要我这么匆剧地飞过天空,竟弄得我喘不上气来。
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour 为什麽一天中最堵车的时刻叫匆速时刻?
When you were 40 , she called to remind you of a relative ' s birthday 你40岁,她打电话把醒提,亲戚的生日匆忘记。
I ate what i could , and then i hastened upstairs . i met adele leaving the schoolroom 我勉强吃了一点,便匆勿上了楼,碰见阿黛勒正离开读书室。
It disappeared in his glove ; and , with one hasty nod and good - afternoon , he vanished 了手套,匆勿忙忙点了点头。 “下午好, ”就消失得无影无踪了。
It depends . the office visit is 65 dollars plus any extra treatment you might need (那要看情形而定。运?匆淮问? 65元,你也许需要加上其他额外的治疗费用。 )
Don ' t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you ' ve been , but also here you are going 莫要匆徨地过著你的一生,那匆徨让你忘了曾经到过哪里,也让你忘了你要去哪里。
So he sent them each on a quest , in turn , to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away 他希望儿子们能学会凡事勿匆下结论,于是轮番派遣他们到很远的地方去寻一棵梨树。
He was drawing his hand from his breast ; the prisoner chancing to look up in his hurried wonder as he wrote , the hand stopped , closing upon something 他正要从前襟中抽出手来,囚徒写到中途忽然感到不解,又匆勿抬头看了一眼。那手停住了,手上捏着个什么东西。