A page of history the battle of shanghai 60 min 勋业千秋淞沪抗战纪实60分钟
The display room is divided into 6 areas with 11 exhibits informing visitors about the life and achievements of the late president chiang 展视室共分六间,依蒋公生平及勋业发展,区分为十一个单元。
Will screen footages of precious historical films like scenes of yan an , a page of history , the earliest feature , films in chaozhou - and amoy - dialects as well as cartoons under the archive s collection 片库珍藏把资料馆片藏最稀有的珍品,如延安内貌勋业千秋馆藏最早的剧情片潮语片厦语片木偶片卡通片等辑录成二十分钟的录像节目。