The settlement of the wilderness was a worthy endeavour. honour is important, and courage and justice . 开辟荒原是极有价值之伟业,荣耀、勇武、正义乃为头等重要。
The lion is the symbol of courage 狮子是勇武的象徵
Zhang was a powerful man 张操志是个勇武之人。
The magistrate , having been in office for 2 years , had accumulated a large amount of money 却说本县知县到任二年多,赚得许多金银,需要一个勇武可靠的人护送到东京,打点上司用。
And the lion is also an important chinese totem , symbolizing power and courage , and capable of warding off evil spirits 由于中国人一向视为和善祥瑞之物而狮子则是勇武的象徵,并能驱邪避凶。
The ship is here put in , a veronesa ; michael cassio , lieutenant to the warlike moor othello , is come on shore : the moor himself at sea , and is in full commission here for cyprus 凯西奥,那勇武的摩尔人奥瑟罗的副将,已经上岸来了;那摩尔人自己还在海上,他是奉到全权委任,到塞浦路斯这儿来的。
Late into the qin han wei and nan - bei dynasty , ba - yu , due to its abundant resources and brave people , became the pillar and rear base for supporting a unifying chinese dynasty and formed its unique military culture 降至秦汉魏晋南北朝时期,巴渝以其丰富的物资及勇武善战的巴渝民众,这里又成了支持中原王朝统一大业的柱石和后方基地,其军事文化又成为一大特色。