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English translation for "动员大会"

mobilization meeting

Related Translations:
动员费:  mobilization charge
动员群众:  arouse the masses
动员参军:  mobilize to join the army
动员基地:  mobilzation base
钙动员:  calcium mobilization
工业动员:  industrial mobilization
动员舆论:  mobilize public opinion
动员科长:  demobilization unit leader
脂肪动员:  lipid mobilization
动员兵:  ls landesschützen mobilized militia
Example Sentences:
1.To start on construction of ecological province , to strive for creation of green zhejiang
2.Strengthen the construction of administrative efficacy , enhance the governmental service level
3.In december of 1999 , the united nations recognized the observance . the general assembly declared november 25th the international day for the elimination of violence against women
4.Zhaoqing city tourism board convened zhaoqing city travel products and the second largest appraisals rural tourism food festival mobilization meeting , arranged layout related work
Similar Words:
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