大浪朝我们劈面打来: huge waves came crashing almost on top of us
Example Sentences:
Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us .. 大浪朝我们劈面打来。
His voice, cold and perfectly enunciated, switched them like a birch branch . 他的话口气冰冷,一字一板,有如给了他们劈面一鞭。
An experienced quarry man can identify rift, grain and hardway with his eyes closed . 一个有经验的采石工闭着眼也能辨出裂缝纹理和难劈面。
He made a hit at me--it was a round, weak blow that missed me and almost knocked himself down . 他给了我一拳,幸而这一拳头不是劈面打来的,势头不大,也没打中,他自己反而险些摔了一跤。
But he had seen no one search that roof; if he ran he might come face to face with someone coming up out of another trapdoor . 但他没看见有人搜索那屋顶;他要是逃过去;很可能劈面遇到从另扇活动天窗里上来的人。
I still wonder whether the chef , who had kept his cool throughout , should have thrown his rolling pin at the man or flagellate himself 大师傅自始至终强忍着没有发作,但至今我仍在揣想,当时他应当是操起擀面杖朝那人劈面摔去呢,还是该把自己痛打一顿。
But , seeing me back and coming face to face with me , pale as i was , she had sensed that my return had a purpose , and must have wondered what was going to happen 但是她看到我重新回来,而且劈面相逢,我脸色又是那么苍白,她一定知道我这次回来是有意图的,她一定在猜想以后会发生些什么事情。
He had telephoned , and she went herself to greet him at the door . the old familiar blaze of health rushed out from him and struck her like a blow . it seemed to enter into her body and course through her veins in a liquid glow , and to set her quivering with its imparted strength 他事先打过电话,露丝亲自到门口迎接了他,他那一身熟悉的旺盛精力喷薄而出二仿佛劈面给了她一个冲击,仿佛一道奔泻的光芒射进了她的身子,流遍了她的血管。