Hunting and rituals : treasures from the ancient dian kingdom of yunnan 猎鹿与剽牛云南古滇国文物展
Hunting and rituals - treasures from the ancient dian kingdom of yunnan 《猎鹿与剽牛云南古滇国文物展》
For example , the yis dances can be divided into the 7 major types of axitiaoyue , cigarette case dance , luozuo dance , dage , hugu dance , the sixuan dance and the copper encourage dance ; the peacock dance and xiangjiaogu dance of dai clan which are known for the chinese and foreign also become the different special features because the people create again ; the munaozongge of jingpo clan , baixian dance , fan dance and niugu dance of hani clan , overlord s whip , shangfeiyan of bai clan , lusheng dance of lagu clan , zhongdianguozhang , deqinxuanzi of zang clan , the copper bell dance of the clan of ; the seedling clan jumps ; the production dance of the clan ; the clan pipa dance ; the big drum dance of brown s clan ; the tube - shaped container dance of the promise clan ; " ascend the luo " of the clan of ; the water of the virtuous clan of encourage ; only the cow dance of the dragon clan ; the dance in a chuang of the rice clan ; mongolia " together the is each early " of the clan and create mosslem people s musical play " return to dragon " of the plait etc 比如,彝族舞蹈可分为,阿细跳月烟盒舞罗作舞打歌花鼓舞丝弦舞铜鼓舞7大类闻名中外的傣族孔雀舞象脚鼓舞由于艺人们的再创造,也形成了不同的流派特色景颇族的“木脑纵歌”哈尼族的白鹇舞扇子舞扭鼓舞白族“绕山林”中的霸王鞭双飞燕,拉祜族的芦笙舞纳西族的“哦热热”东巴舞藏族的中甸锅庄德钦弦子瑶族的铜铃舞苗族的跳芦笙怒族的生产舞僳族琵琶舞布朗族的大鼓舞基诺族的竹筒舞阿昌族的“登娥罗”德昂族的水鼓舞独族的剽牛舞普米族的锅庄舞蒙古族的“纳各早”以及创编的回族歌舞剧“回”等。