| 1. | The medieval jigsaw of nations is obsolete. the balance of power is dangerous foolishness in the industrial age . 中世纪的割据已经过时,均势政策在工业化时代是危险而又愚蠢的。 |
| 2. | Actually they did . it was just that cks didn ' t have any sort of real control over them 实际上地方军阀割据就是事实那正好说明了校长对军阀们缺乏有效的控制手段。 |
| 3. | The vassal states under the zhou dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes 当时割据一方的诸侯国为了防守,在自己的领土上修筑城墙。 |
| 4. | The vassal states under the zhou dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes 当时割据一方的诸侯国为了防守,在自己的领土上修筑城墙。 |
| 5. | Leadership emerges under nobunaga , hideyoshi ( fascinating personality ) and ieyasu begins the rigid the tokugawa era ( 1603 - 1867 ) 战国时代群雄割据政局纷乱,织田信长,丰田秀吉,德川家族相继崛起。 |
| 6. | Warlord armies roamed over the land and the turbulence caused waves of new settlers to swarm over the shenzhen river 当时军阀横行,割据土地,动荡的局势促使一批批的新移民越过深圳河,如潮水般汹涌而至。 |
| 7. | The author points out forest park planning area should be delimitated according to the theory of regional planning and the basis of overall benefit 阐述了在具体工作中,应从区域规划的角度,以整体利益为前提,打破诸侯割据的局面,高起点地进行以森林公园为依托的城市区域生态绿地的规划和建设。 |
| 8. | We have traversed the whole range , and a comparison of its different sections shows that the middle section , with ningkang as its centre , is the most suitable for our armed independent regime 整个的罗霄山脉我们都走遍了;各部分比较起来,以宁冈为中心的罗霄山脉的中段,最利于我们的军事割据。 |
| 9. | It ' s one of the oldest and noblest of the three hundred and sixty - four ancient german principalities , and one of the few that was allowed to retain its royal estate when bismarck got done trimming them 这是三百六十四个古日耳曼诸侯国中历史最悠久、贵族味最浓的一个,也是俾斯麦取消割据后很少几个允许保留族产的王室之一。 |
| 10. | So many smart businessmen have also smell a " sports market " - - a piece of cake flavor , a distinct sports markets will be fierce war started : : so , the sports industry is a bright , good prospects 于是许多精明的商家也纷纷嗅到了“体育市场”这块蛋糕的味道,一场体育市场的割据战争即将激烈展开… …由此可见,体育产业可谓一片光明、盈利前景良好。 |