副油箱投放按钮: drop tank jettison push buttonpylon tanks jettison buttontanks-release button
Example Sentences:
Three external fuel tanks , each with a capacity of 3 , 000 litres , can also be fitted 除此之外,还可再加挂三个3000升副油箱。
Up to three drop tanks can be mounted on the fuselage pylon and two wing pylons 机身挂架和两个机翼挂架共可携带三个副油箱。
The structural vibration breakdown analysis research on the fighter - xx centerline drop tank ' s tail cone 升机身副油箱尾锥振动故障分析研究
The aircraft can carry 12 , 100kg of fuel internally in two fuel tanks in the wings and four in the fuselage 全机可携带12100千克燃油,其中包括四个内部油箱和两个外挂副油箱。
The combat radius range to 1 , 100 km . with drop tanks the range can extend to 1 , 300 kilometers . afterburner system is runing very smoothly . resonance is relatively smaller , compared with f16a / b 作战半径可以达到1100公里。加挂副油箱可以延伸至1300公里。后燃加力系统运行平缓。共振比f - 16相对小一些。
The investigation of the distribution of aerodynamic forces on the external stores and their neighboring aircraft surfaces during the transient process of the separation of the external store from an aircraft is an urgent need because aerodynamic interactions can cause the released store to impact upon , and possibly damage , the aircraft 从载机上发射导弹、投掷炸弹或抛弃副油箱时,外挂物处于载机复杂干扰流场中。此时往往出现不正常分离,有时会导致外挂物与载机发生碰撞,严重危及载机和飞行人员安全的重大事故。