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English translation for "剩余资产"

remaining property
residual assets
surplus assets

Related Translations:
剩余激磁:  residual excitation
剩余放射性沾染:  residual radioactive contamination
剩余高度:  residual altitude
剩余电压:  residual voltage
剩余磁感应:  remanent inductionresidual magnetic induction
剩余弹力:  restfederung residual deflection
剩余电力:  dump powersurplus power
剩余收益:  residual income
剩余因子:  residual factorsurplus factor
剩余电能:  dumenergysurplus energy
Example Sentences:
1.It controls just over 80 per cent of china ' s power transmission assets , with most of the rest in the hands of china southern grid
它控制着中国电力输送中超过80 %的资产,而剩余资产大部分由中国南方电网公司拥有。
2.Pays a fixed dividend and has priority over common stock regarding claims to assets of a corporation in a liquidation or bankruptcy
3.His remaining a ets , about $ 60 million , will be liquidated , according to an agreement among lawyers for enron employees , the company ' s savings and stock ownership pla , prosecutors and skilling ' s legal team
4.His remaining assets , about $ 60 million , will be liquidated , according to an agreement among lawyers for enron employees , the company ' s savings and stock ownership plans , prosecutors and skilling ' s legal team
5.A corporate raider who acquires a target company with the intention of selling off some of the target ' s assets to repay outstanding debt , under the belief that the assets which remain after the " stripping " will be worth significantly more than the purchase price
Similar Words:
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