English translation for "前列腺病症"
- prostatic disorder
Related Translations:
前列腺检查: prostatic examination 前列腺叶: lobe of prostatelobes of prostatelobus prostatae 前列腺前面: anterior surface of prostate 前列腺液: epsliquor prostaticusprostatic fluidsuccus prostaticus 造血系统病症: disorder of hematopoietic system 前列腺静脉丛: prostatic venous plexussanto rini venous plexussantorini venous plexus 前列腺后叶: posterior lobe of prostate
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? | | 2. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? | | 3. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? | | 4. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? | | 5. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered ? 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? | | 6. | Says it ' s his prostate and it needs to be operated on , is that gonna be covered ? 而是前列腺病症需要手术那么费用会报销吗? |
- Similar Words:
- "前列腺膀胱切开术" English translation, "前列腺膀胱炎" English translation, "前列腺剥离器" English translation, "前列腺病" English translation, "前列腺病态" English translation, "前列腺部" English translation, "前列腺测量器" English translation, "前列腺测量仪" English translation, "前列腺超声描记图" English translation, "前列腺持针器" English translation