刺激: 1.(推动事物起积极变化) stimulate; excite 短语和例子刺激神经 excite a nerve; 刺激经济 stimulate the economy; 刺激生产 stimulate production2.(使激动) provoke; irritate; upset 短语和例子这一不幸的消息给了她很大的刺激。 she was badly upset by
九: Ⅰ数词1.(八加一后所得) nine 短语和例子九车间 no. 9 workshop; 九成新 ninety per cent new; 三三得九。 three times three is nine.2.(表示多次或多数) many; numerous 短语和例子九曲桥 a zigzag bridge; 三弯九转 many twists and turnsⅡ名词1.(从冬