| 1. | Will mark be able to prove his love ? is it too late for hugh to find happiness 但对万念俱灰的hugh来说,一切却好像都来的太迟了,抑或生命其实可以别有洞天? |
| 2. | The many different kinds of stalactites , stalagmites , and columns found here are both beautiful and amazing 有奇形怪状的钟乳石笋和石柱,洞下更有无底洞、水池等景观,可以说是别有洞天。 |
| 3. | An exhibition for bonsai ( traditional chinese pot plants and drawf - trees ) is opened to the public in april each year 一个别有洞天的道家建筑群,每年四月会举办盆景展览,开放予公众人仕参观。 |
| 4. | Get ready to descend into the darkness and venture to some of the most extraordinary environments on earth - only in amazing caves 放胆踏进漆黑的世界,迎接你的将是你从未想像过的地底胜景别有洞天。 |
| 5. | Remnants of the marble boat . after excavation and clearing . the boat - shaped base has been restored to its original form 别有洞天“活画舫”残迹,其基座用青石雕砌成船舫样式。现经挖掘整理,增砌石料舫面。 |
| 6. | Located amid the hustle and bustle of tsim sha tsui , the observatory headquarters enjoys a serenity completely uncharacteristic of this hectic business area 天文台总部虽座落于繁嚣的尖沙咀区,但其范围内却是青葱幽静,别有洞天。 |
| 7. | Amidst the hustle and bustle of tsim sha tsui in which it is located , the observatory headquarters enjoys a serenity completely uncharacteristic of this hectic business area 天文台总部虽座落于繁嚣的尖沙咀区,但其范围内却青幽静,别有洞天。 |
| 8. | Amidst the hustle and bustle of tsim sha tsui in which it is located , the observatory headquarters enjoys a serenity completely uncharacteristic of this hectic business area 天文台总部虽座落于繁嚣的尖沙咀区,但其范围内却青?幽静,别有洞天。 |
| 9. | Readers during the reading will have a different snack from the wateriness and have a fancy sense from the nature and the modesty combined with the full figure making one integrated mass , which the natural poem style of tao yuanming stems from 读者在阅读过程中,便会产生平淡之中另有风味,自然之中别有洞天的感觉, “质”与“腴”浑然一体,陶渊明诗歌的自然风格便由此产生了。 |
| 10. | In august of 1997 , my wife a sister initiate and i were suddenly inspired to explore the mountain area northeast of mount fang . each time we passed by the mountain on the way to taitung , off the eastern coast of formosa , its majestic appearance and thick green foliage would captivate us 九九七年八月,我和师姊一时兴起,准备到枋山东北边的山区一探究竟,因为我们去台东的时候,每当经过这里,就会被那巍峨翠绿的山峦吸引住,总认为那边一定别有洞天。 |