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English translation for "利息成本"

interest cost

Related Translations:
计时利息:  time interest
放款利息:  interest on loan capitalinterest upon loans
利息报表:  interest statement
规定利息:  normal interest
应得利息:  accrued interest
利息倍数:  tie ratio (times interest earned) = ebit/interest
利息贷款:  interest-only mortgage
负担利息:  bearing interest
利息条款:  interest clause
货币利息论:  monetary theory of interest
Example Sentences:
1.Capitalizing interest costs
2.Higher yields raise the cost for individuals and businesses to borrow money at interest rates that are tied to the 10 - year note
3.One way of reducing the cost would be for the hkma to enter into a set of hong kong dollar interest rate swap transactions the maturity of which would correspond to that of the exchange fund notes issued
4.At a net level including restructuring and interest costs , the airline industry is forecast by iata to return to profit in 2007 for the first time since 2000 , ending six successive years of losses
国际航空运输协会预计,按照计入重组和利息成本的净利润来衡量, 2007年全球航空业将实现自2000年以来的首次扭亏为盈,结束持续6年的亏损局面。
5.Because of the positively sloping hong kong dollar yield curve , and the tendency of the yield margin over us treasuries to rise along the curve , the increasing proportion of longer paper tended to incur higher interest costs
6.Yet investment spending on machinery and equipment in the private sector stayed weak , as companies remained cautious in their investment plans amidst a relatively high real interest cost and continued stringency in bank credit
7.Analysed by main component , expenditure on machinery and equipment was 7 per cent lower in real terms in 1998 , as such investment was held back by credit stringency , high interest cost and an uncertain business outlook
按主要组成部分分析,机器及设备开支在一九九八年实质下跌7 % ,主要是受到信贷紧绌、利息成本高昂,以及营商前景不明朗所影响,令这方面的投资裹足不前。
8.Banks find that the collateral which they are holding against loans is depreciating . businesses find that real assets are worth less and cash flow may be slowing , but debts remain the same even though the interest cost of serving them may fall
9.The causes may be explained as follows : the lagging of legal construction ; the flaw of present supervision system ; unsoundness of market environment ; the lagging of construction of banks itself etc . as to price - making mechanism of obs , some basic principles must be obeyed and value - based mode should be employed
J瓜以月以加。如伽如咖tofco二, 。砌a丙步履维艰;存款大战大大增加了银行的筹资成本;居民活期存款向定期存款转移使银行利息成本上升;银企关系不顺,逃废债多
10.And bid fever has prompted borrowers to take on more risks ; according to standard & poor ' s , a rating agency , the average purchase price for european leveraged buy - outs has reached a record level of 9 . 4 times earnings before stripping out the costs of interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation
出价狂热会促使借款人去承担更多的风险;评级机构标准普尔说,欧洲杠杆收购的平均购买价格相对于收入已经达到创纪录的9 . 4倍,此收入并未除去利息成本、税收、折旧和按揭付款。
Similar Words:
"利息补贴基金" English translation, "利息补助金" English translation, "利息差额" English translation, "利息偿付比率" English translation, "利息偿付率" English translation, "利息成本;持有成本;资金成本差额" English translation, "利息成本资本化" English translation, "利息迟变" English translation, "利息除外" English translation, "利息刺激效应" English translation