[ páo; bào ] 刨 动词 1.(挖掘) dig; excavate 短语和例子 刨地 dig the ground; 刨坑儿 dig a hole [pit]; 刨马铃薯 dig (up) potatoes2.[口语] (除去; 减去) deduct; exclude; minus: 15天刨去5天, 只剩下10天了。 fifteen minus five -- there are only ten days to go now. 这列火车,刨去行李车和邮车,有20节车箱。 the train has twenty cars, the baggage and mail ones excluded.
The dog scratched up a bone in the garden . 那条狗在花园里刨出一根骨头。
Huck began to dig and scratch . 哈克也连挖带刨地帮着干起来。
It took the farmer weeks to grub the stumps on his land . 那农民用了几个星期才把他地里的树桩子刨出来。
Each trace on this stacked cross-section is compounded of six traces . 在此叠加刨面上的每一道由6道记录合成。
Their small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in the hard rock . 那小块小块的马铃薯地是居民们以超人的勤劳从硬石头缝里刨出来的。
It acts as a geologic rasp, scratching, gouging and generally abrading the surfaces over which the glacier rides . 它就像一把地质锉刀一样通过刮、刨等作用来磨损冰川流过的表面。
They would no more let me come away, without a promise to go back, than they would let the wolves dig up the bones of their fathers . 要是我不答应回去,他们是决不会让我出来的,就跟他们决不会让狼刨出他们祖先的尸骨一样。
The autopsy said that his brain was knocked loose . . 解刨说他的大脑被震碎了… …
The edge of the board has been beveled with a plane 木板的边已用刨子刨成斜角。
Planes ; technical specifications for wooden bodied planes 刨.木刨的交货技术条件