Turkey ' s " home clash " with norway will take place in frankfurt on wednesday ( 2000 cet ) 阿丁托普将为土耳其周六初战希腊周三在法兰克福打挪威?
This was , no doubt , due to the war in the early 1940s , when the mortality rates , particularly for infants , were high and fertility rates , forced by circumstances , were low 年代初战争的影响当时婴儿夭折率特别高,同时基于环境因素,出生率亦偏低。从
The smashing of the first enemy " encirclement and suppression " campaign in kiangsi province took only one week from the first battle to the last ; the second was smashed in barely a fortnight ; the third dragged on for three months before it was smashed ; the fourth took three weeks ; and the fifth taxed our endurance for a whole year 江西打破第一次“围剿” ,从初战到结束只有一星期,打破第二次“围剿”只有半个月,打破第三次“围剿”就熬上了三个月,第四次是三星期,第五次就熬了整整的一年。