Two proposals to learn and pass on chinese calligraphy 传习中国书法的两个创议
The background of working out 11method of prescription management tentative 手部卫生创议接受度试验报告
Global strategy for the diagnosis , management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : a survey on the compliance and influencing factors 全球慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治创议干预计划实施的依从性调查及影响因素分析
The ihns is a national institution of the chinese academy of sciences . it has about 120 members , of whom over 40 are senior research fellows 中国科学院自然科学史研究所的前身中国自然科学史研究室由竺可桢创议成立于1957年, 1975年扩建成为研究所。
The initiative recently adopted the web - based extensible markup language as a standardized means of structuring cim data for presentation , and hypertext transfer protocol for sending it from system to system 该创议最近采纳了基于网站的扩展标记语言作为构造显示用cim数据的标准化手段,以及采纳了超文本传递协议在系统间发送这些数据。
Generally speaking , within community framework , the european commission is endowed with the right to initiate community legislation , the council of the european union is the main decision - making body , and votes could be made on the basis of majority voting in principle 一般来说,在共同体框架内,欧洲委员会拥有创议权,欧盟理事会拥有决策权,并且原则上以多数表决方式进行决策。
Within the framework of the justice and home affairs ( jha ) , the council of the european union is the highest decision - making body , the european commission shares the right of initiative with member states , the european parliament does not have a say nor real right of supervisory 在司法与内务合作框架内,欧盟理事会是最高决策机构,欧洲委员会与成员国分享创议权,欧洲议会享有知情权,但并没有真正的监督权。
In the framework of the common foreign and security policy ( cfsp ) , the european council enjoys the highest right , it is responsible for setting the principles and guidelines of cfsp , the european commission shares the right of initiative with member states , the council of the european union is in charge of making and implementing the concrete decisions and measures of cfsp 在共同外交与安全政策框架内,欧洲理事会享有最高权,确定欧盟共同外交与安全政策的原则和总体指导方针,欧洲委员会与成员国共享创议权,欧盟理事会负责确定和执行共同外交与安全政策具体决定和措施。