| 1. | Enlightened scientists who elevate the civilization of the world 出家的功德出污泥而不染 |
| 2. | 140 pearls of wisdom don t be attached to renunciation pearls of wisdom 140教理选粹放下对出家的执着 |
| 3. | Don t be attached to renunciation 放下对出家的执著 |
| 4. | Why can ' t you help an old lady evicted from her home , for example 例如,为什么你不能帮助一个被驱逐出家的老太太 |
| 5. | The main objective is to train the novice monks to enable them to propagate the dhamma everywhere in the world 我们的主要的目,就是训练这些刚出家的法师能够让他们在世界各地弘法。 |
| 6. | As such , we are planning to establish an english teaching centre in sri lanka to train as many novice monks as possible to meet the need 因此,我们计画在斯里兰卡建设一个英语教学中心来训练许多的刚出家的法师们,来符合这个需求。 |
| 7. | Sravakayana tradition has this short term monk ' s vow , so you can try out let say about a year , two months , i don ' t know - even a week i think 声闻乘里有短期出家的传统,你可以选择一年期、两个月期,甚至说不定还有一周的短期出家传统。 |
| 8. | But all the monks have to pass this lama degree , if they are learned monks . some of the laborer monks and some kind of guarding monks are different 但是所有出家的喇嘛都必须通过喇嘛考试,不过当然那些做劳力工作或做护法的出家喇嘛就另当别论。 |
| 9. | It was my first year as a monastic disciple , and my birthday was approaching . i wanted to transfer the merits derived from a whole day of meditation to my parents 刚出家的第一年,快到生日的前几天,我内心一直渴望能在生日那天整日打坐,把功德回向给往生的父母。 |
| 10. | We are householders and householders are the best people for sahaja yoga and those who have run away from their lives , let them go to the himalayas and station themselves 你不用做这些,那些在家的人才适合练习霎哈嘉瑜伽,那些要出家的人就让他们到喜玛拉雅山上去吧! |