| 1. | Decision behavior in emotional tradeoff difficulties 情绪性权衡困难下的决策行为 |
| 2. | Analysis of start - up financing and decision - making behavior 创业融资与决策行为分析 |
| 3. | Protected values and their impacts on decision making 保护性价值观及其对决策行为的影响 |
| 4. | The disposition effect in decision - making of investors 论投资者决策行为模式中的倾向效应 |
| 5. | Discussion on the three kinds of analysis paradigm of decision behaviors 论决策行为的三种分析范式 |
| 6. | The policy end is the policymakers ' re - decision action in nature 摘要政策终结实质上是决策者的再决策行为。 |
| 7. | A model of decision - making analysis of individual human capital investment 个人人力资本投资决策行为分析模型 |
| 8. | Children ' s decision - making behavior 儿童的决策行为 |
| 9. | Analysis on government policy - making behaviors under asymmetric information 非对称信息环境下政府决策行为分析 |
| 10. | Risk and decision - making behavior 风险与决策行为 |