change from ""agricultural to non-agricultural"" status
Example Sentences:
Agriculture water right transfer to non - agriculture market is studied 初步研究了黄河农业水权农转非市场。
Research into community management in non - agri cultural from agricultural status hi - tech zone 高新区农转非小区社区管理研究
Research into employment training countermeasure for non - agricultural labor force in chongqing 重庆市农转非劳动力就业培训对策研究
Employment issue and suggestions of immigrants from rural to non - rural area after land requisition 征地农转非人员的就业问题和建议
The net income per capita for rural residents reached rmb 3 , 541 , rmb 170 higher than that of the previous year 全年新征土地6193亩,办结农转非人员住房安置6623人,安置转非人员1231人。
Policy - holder is hired , carry work or enter a school farming turn blame , can concern insurance ( contain fund ) turn into new insurance course , or the total principal and interest that pays the individual returns him 投保人招工、提干或入学等农转非,可将保险关系(含资金)转入新的保险轨道,或将个人交纳的全部本息退还本人。
As an inducement the city is enticing landholders to surrender their claims on their rural plots in exchange for prized urban residency permits that offer not only legal residence in a city , but also access to social services and benefits unavailable in rural areas 作为引诱的手段,这个城市不仅通过农转非诱使地主们放弃自己农村土地的权益,还包括不对农村区域开放的纳入社保等。